Five Examples of Large Colon Cancer Screening Campaigns

Some great examples of improving colon cancer screening rates.

Dr. Chad McDonald

6/25/20232 min read

person in blue shirt and white and black pants
person in blue shirt and white and black pants

Several campaigns and initiatives have played a significant role in improving colon cancer screening rates for healthcare organizations. Here are a few notable examples:

1. National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable (NCCRT) Campaign: The NCCRT, an organization co-founded by the American Cancer Society and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has been instrumental in promoting colon cancer screening. Their "80% by 2018" campaign aimed to increase the proportion of adults aged 50 and older who undergo regular screening to 80% by 2018. The campaign utilized various strategies, including public education, provider support, and policy advocacy.

2. March to Get Screened Campaign: Launched by the Colon Cancer Alliance (CCA), the March to Get Screened campaign aimed to raise awareness about the importance of colon cancer screening and remove barriers to access. The campaign used public service announcements, community events, and partnerships with healthcare providers to encourage individuals to get screened.

3. Public Health Awareness Campaigns: Government agencies and health departments have implemented public health campaigns to raise awareness about colon cancer and the importance of screening. These campaigns often use mass media, such as television, radio, print, and online platforms, to reach a wide audience. Examples include the CDC's "Screen for Life" campaign and the "Don't Assume" campaign by the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program in Australia.

4. Provider Education and Quality Improvement Programs: Many healthcare organizations have implemented programs to educate healthcare providers about the benefits of colon cancer screening and to improve screening rates within their practices. These programs involve training providers on the latest screening guidelines, implementing reminder systems, and utilizing electronic health record (EHR) prompts to identify eligible patients for screening.

5. Patient Navigation Programs: Patient navigation programs aim to guide individuals through the colon cancer screening process, providing support and assistance at each step. These programs typically involve trained navigators who help patients understand the screening options, schedule appointments, address concerns, and overcome barriers to screening, such as transportation or financial issues.

It's important to note that the success of these campaigns may vary depending on factors such as the target population, resources available, and local healthcare systems. Nonetheless, these initiatives have contributed to increased colon cancer screening rates and improved early detection of the disease.